Very Old and Very New Games
Akalabeth - California Pacific (Castle version; Progame)
Dungeons of Despair (Wizardry 1 demo)
Dungeons - Aurora Software Associates (Ohio Scientific), a.k.a. The Wizard's City
Super Dungeon - Jade Computer Products (Apple II)
Dungeon of Doom - Argon Games (Apple II)
Tomb of Terror - BTC Products (TRS-80)
Ultima I - Vitesse (Apple II GS version)
Ultima III - Origin (Crazy Irving release), Ediciel (French version)
Ultima V - NES, regular box (coin and disks only)
Ultima VII - Manaccom (Australian budget release), SNES
Ultima VII Forge of Virtue - Origin (UK edition)
Ultima VII Serpent Isle - Origin (UK edition)
Ultima VII Silver Seed - Origin (UK edition)
Ultima VII Complete - Origin (in Serpent Isle box with narrow slipcover, UK Full Release)
Ultima Online Game Time Card (other than Blackthorn or original)
Ultima Online: Second Age Upgrade Edition (no box, CD say Upgrade Edition)
Ultima Online: Second Age Discovery Edition (Australia)
Ultima Online: Renaissance (PC Gamer Dec 2000 disc 6.2 #2)
Ultima Online: Third Dawn Upgrade Edition (cloth map but no box)
Ultima Online: Mondain's Legacy Backup CD Set
Ultima Online: Kingdom Reborn Backup DVD
Ultima: Runes of Virtue II (Gameboy)
Ultima Trilogy (I-III) - Origin (UK slipcase)
King's Quest (IBM JX version)
Wizmaker - Ron Richards (Wizardry Character Editor) (manual only)
Wizmaster - Nichols Services (Wizardry Character Editor)
Wizinews newsletter (issue 2-3)
Dungeon Campaign/Wilderness Campaign - Synergistic (folder; individual games)
Rogue - Artificial Intelligence Design Systems
Temple of Apshai - Algray (UK version for Colour Genie and TRS-80)
Upper Reaches of Apshai - Algray (UK version for Colour Genie and TRS-80)
Hellfire Warrior - Algray (UK version for Colour Genie and TRS-80)
Keys of Acheron - Algray (UK version for Colour Genie and TRS-80)
Sorcerer of Siva - Algray (UK version for Colour Genie and TRS-80)
Japanese Computers
Ultima II - Starcraft (Japanese versions)
Ultima III - (Starcraft, manual and cloth map for MSX cartridge version)
Ultima Underworld - Origin (Japanese Playstation)
Ultima Online - Origin (budget)
Ultima Online: Second Age - Origin (upgrade, 1st ed. mousepad only, 2nd ed., convenience store)
Ultima Online: Renaissance - Origin (new 2 manuals only, new XP)
Ultima Online: Lord Blackthorn's Revenge - Origin (new player (manual only) , soldiers profession guide book only, Mages, Smiths, Amazon)
Ultima Online: Age of Shadows - Origin (new player account code card only, convenience store (2 maps only), 2003, 2004, Limited (playguide, map, LED light), SE Campaign)
Ultima Online: Samurai Empire - Origin (new player (roll-out map only), upgrade playguide and rollout map only, convenience store)
Ultima Online: Mondain's Legacy - Origin (new player)
Ultima Online: Kingdom Reborn - Origin (7 day trial, 45 day starter kit)
Phantasie III - Bothtec
Bard's Tale - PonyCanyon
Eye of the Beholder - PonyCanyon
Archon - Electronic Arts
Enchanter (PC-98)
Scott Adams Adventures
Avalon Hill games
Sierraventure games
Transylvania - Starcraft
Transylvania II - Starcraft
Kabul Spy - Starcraft
Blade of Blackpoole, The - Starcraft
Critical Mass - Starcraft
Ali Baba - Starcraft
Sherwood Forest - Starcraft
Loom - Lucasarts
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Lucasarts
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - Lucasarts
Habitat - Lucasarts
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders - Lucasarts
Commodore bilingual clamshell (Zork III)
Commodore bilingual (Starcross)
DEC Rainbow releases (Zork I, II, III, Starcross, Suspended (map and tokens))
Dysan releases (Enchanter, Zork II)
box only (Planetfall, Infidel, Deadline, Witness, Zork I, III)
Zork (PDP-11, UK cassette)
Invisiclues (ZUG Zork I guy on cover, ZUG Zork III map, Zork I,
ZUG Zork I map that just says Zork (no I)), some Witts' Notes
(also Time Zone, Cranston Manor)
Regular Invisiclues - Suspended (does not have a map),
Suspect (map), *Spellbreaker map
New Zork Times: 1.1, 3.1 (incl. coupon), any envelopes
Instruction Posters: Dungeon Adventure?, Adventure Quest?
Adventure #0: Special Sampler (Baggie)
Adventure #2: Pirate Adventure (Baggie)
Adventure #5 (inlay) (Creative Computing Software tapes)
Adventure #1-3 (Creative Computing Software minus disk)
Adventure #4-6 Value Pack #2 (Baggie)
Adventure #1-9/#1-12 - TRS-80 Model 2, 8" disk
Adventure Pak for C16 - Cartridge Triple Pack (Strange Odyssey, Atomic Mission, Pirate Adventure) (US version)
Adventure Series #1-12 (Styrofoam CP/M, Starsoft, TDC Distributors inc. hint book)
Adventure Series #1-12 Hint Book
Adventure #1, 3-12 - Molimerx/A.J.Harding
Questprobe: Spiderman (white and red manual for Apple II(?))
Interactive Fiction #1: Six Micro Stories (box and manual)
Interactive Fiction #4: His Majesty's Ship "Impetous"
Interactive Fiction #5: Dragons of Hong Kong (box and manual)
Interactive Fiction Tri-Pack #1-3 - TRS80 Model 2, 8" disk
Interactive Fiction Quad Pack #1-4 - TRS80 Model 2, 8" disk
Interactive Fiction Quad-Pack #2-5 - TRS80 Model 1/3
Interactive Fiction Duo-Pack #4-5 - Apple II
Maces & Magic #1: Balrog (clamshell?)
Maces & Magic #3: Morton's Fork (Clamshell?)
Other Venture #2: Curse of Crowley Manor (rainbow box)
Kid Venture #1: Little Red Riding Hood (baggy version, NEC-TREK version)
Kid Venture #2: Twas the Night Before Christmas
Kid Venture #3: Old McDonald's Farm (NEC-TREK version)
Kid Venture Tri-Pack #1-3
Hidden Valley
Sledge of Rahmul & Merlin's Treasure
Vaults of Cymarron
Mysterious Adventures
Adventure #1: The Golden Baton (Channel 8 Atari styrofoam)
Adventure #3: Arrow of Death Part 2 (Blue Digital Fantasia, Acorn - disk only, Channel 8 Atari styrofoam)
Adventure #4: The Time Machine (Channel 8 Atari styrofoam)
Adventure #5: Circus (Channel 8 Atari styrofoam)
Adventure #6: Escape from Pulsar 7 (Channel 8 Atari styrofoam)
Adventure #7: Feasibility Experiment (Channel 8 Atari styrofoam)
Adventure #9: Perseus and Andromeda (Blue Digital Fantasia)
Paxman Promotions with hint sheet tear away: Ten Little Indians, Wizard Akyrz, Golden Baton
Molimerx/Molymerx - at least 1-7 and disk with 1-X.
Any Comm Data (except Circus, Ten Little Indians)
Very hard-to-find Games
Abyssal Zone, The - Salty Software
Adventure Quest - Keypunch
Alice in Videoland - Artworx (boxed)
Archon - Ariolasoft (White Amiga version)
Asylum - Screenplay (IBM vinyl folder)
Aztec (Adventure) - Datasoft (Atari version - white card manual)
Beneath the Pyramids - Crystalware (blue/white cover)
Black Forest, The - SubLogic
Bronze Dragon: The Twisted Speare - Commonwealth Software
Cave Maze: A First Adventure - Coombe Valley
Cave of Time - Bantam
Caves of Annod - Comm Data
Chalice of Mostania - Coastal Software
Chambers of Xenobia - Avant-Garde Creations
Citadel of the Dead (Mac)
Colonel's House (Vic-20)
Cranston Manor - Sierraventure
Crypt, The - Crystalware, Crystal Vision
Cyberworld - Progressive Peripherals & Software
Dark Crystal - Sierra On-Line (boxed version)
Death Dreadnaught - The Programmer's Guild
Desecration, The - Mind Games
Destiny - Creative Software
Domes of Kilgari, The - The Programmer's Guild
*Dungeon Revealed, The - John Raymonds (for Mac)
Dungeons of Ba - Accelerated Software
Elfhelm's Bane - Sharedata
Elvira - Flair (C64)
Elysian Fields - American Eagle
Escape - Bantam
Escape to Freedom - ECP
Forbidden City - Fantastic Software
Fracas - Quality Software (yellow manual)
Fraktured Faebles - American Eagle (box only)
Futuria - Unicorn
Gates of Delirium - Diecom (TRS-80)
Gelfling Adventure - Sierra On-Line (Britannica version)
Gem of Zephyrr - Dar Systems
Glamis Castle - Crystalware (manual only)
Goblins - Highlands Computer Services
Gruds in Space - Sirius
Gunslinger - Datasoft (UK disk)
Gwendolyn - Advantage
Haunted House - American Software Design (graphical cover)
Haunted Palace, The - Crystalware (disk only)
Heroic Quest - John Sands Sega
House of Usher - Crystalware (Gold Star Edition - Werewolf cover)
I, Damiano - Firebird
Island Prison - Softsmith
Islands of Beta, The - Milliken
Institute, The - Melbourne House (TRS-80 version)
Jetsons, The - Microillusions
Journey to Mount Doom - Tom Mix Software
Karkoth's Keep - Indecs Services (IBM PC)
Kukulcan - American Eagle
Labyrinth - Med Systems Software (TRS-80 version, artwork on cover)
Lair, The - Soft Toys (Vic-20)
Lair of the Dragon - Misosys
Lucifer's Realm - Med Systems Software
M.U.L.E. - (IBM PC version)
Mad Venture - Micro Lab
Might and Magic: The Lava Pits of Aznar (Sanctum Software)
Mission: Asteroid - Sierra On-Line (Thunder Mountain, US Gold manual)
Murder on the Mississippi - Activision (UK clamshell)
Mystery House - Blue On-line 1st Release/White On-Line/1987 public domain disk with generic Sierra tan label
Nuclear Meltdown - Vextrom Software
Odyssey in Time - Krell Software
Oldorf's Revenge - Highlands Computer Services (Red manual version)
Phalsberg - Ere Informatique
Pride and Prejudice - Baen
Prisoner 2 - Peachtree
Quest - Cosma (Vic-20)
Quest for the Holy Grail - Superior
Questron - ECP
Reasoning with Trolls - Coombe Valley
Rebel Planet - Adventuresoft (disk version)
Rings of Zilfin - ECP
Sam Starr and the Spirit of Glennmore Castle - On Target
Secret Agent: Mission One - Jor-And
Secret of Easter Island - Three Sigma
Secrets of Bharas, The - Victory Software
Severed Heads - Sir Rah Software (for Amiga)
Shards of Time and Blackscar Mountain - Titan Games (for Atari ST)
Snooper Troops 1 & 2 - Spinnaker (boxed versions)
Softporn Adventure (Sierra blue cover, Blue Sky Software disk only, Atari release that mentions Chris Iden on cover disk only)
Spaceship to Nowhere
Sword of Altair - Dar Systems
Sword Thrust 1: King's Testing Ground - Old Cover/Softsmith (box only)
Sword Thrust 2: The Vampyre Caves - Old Cover/Softsmith (box only)
Sword Thrust 3: Kidnapper's Cove - Old Cover
Sword Thrust 4: The Case of the Sultan's Pearl - Old Cover/Softsmith (box only)
Sword Thrust 5: The Green Plague - Old Cover/Softsmith (box only)
Sword Thrust 6: The Eternal Curse - Old Cover
Sword Thrust 3-pack - Main Street Publishing
Tales of the Future (MicroAgent of the Body Guard, 2088: An Oval Office Odyssey) - Scholastic
Tales of Fantasy (manual only) - Scholastic
Tales of Daring (Zazoo Come Home, The Funhouse Caper) - Scholastic
Tales of Suspense (The History Mystery, The Big Nap) - Scholastic
Tales of Discovery (Pirates of the Soft Seas, Fossils Alive) - Scholastic
Tarturian - Highlands Computer Services (cover sheet only, red manual version)
Three Musketeers, The - Computer Novels
Timeship - Five Star Software
Transylvania - Penguin (1982 boxed version)
Vase of Turr, The - Walters Software (Coleco Adam)
Warriors of Ras - (Wylde, Ziggurat) - Screenplay (Alternate boxes no image on back)
Wizard and the Princess - Sierra (Thunder Mountain, Sierraventure hint card only)
Wizard War - Baen
Wizard Wars - Microprose
World of Doom Scenario #3: Dragon Slayers - Symbiotech
UK Cassette Games
2003: A Space Oddity - DK'Tronics
Adventure 1 - Abersoft (manual only)
Adventure II (Zodiac) - A&F (tape only)
Adventure 200 - Foilkade
Adventure D - Artic Computing (B & W cover with red writing)
Adventure One - CP Software? (for ZX81)
Adventures of Eric Bean: The Lost Gnomes
Afghan Attack - Southern Software
Amulet, The - Sentient
Astrocade - Data Design Systems
Atom Adventures (Adventure, Dungeon, House, Intergalactic) - Acornsoft
Barrowquest - CCS
Beatle Quest - Number 9 Software
Black Tower, The - Dollarsoft
Bog of Brit
Bored of the Rings (Delta 4 (except manual), CRL, disk version)
Bugsy - CRL (disk version non-budget)
Calixto Island - Dragon Data (large unboxed versions)
Castle Dracula - Duckworth
Castle Thade - S.A.E.C.
Cells & Serpents - ASP (all black backround cover)
Country Quest - Wye Valley Software
Crown of Ramhotep and Prospector, The - Tartan
Crystal Cavern - Handasoft
Crystals of Carus - Interceptor (disk version)
Cursed Chambers & Zrim - Kuma
Dark Gladiator - FSF
Demon Knight - Forward Software
Double Agent - Tartan
Dracula - CRL (disk version)
Dragon Slayer - Pocket Money Software
Druids Moon - Alternative
Dungeons - Calisto
Ellisnore Diamond, The
Energem Enigma, The - Precision Games
Escape from Perilous - English Software (Atari 400/800)
Frankie Crashed on Jupiter
Fugitives Quest - Robico
Games Without Frontiers - 8th Day
Ghoul Manor - Britannia
Ghoulies - IMS Software
Go West Young Man - Stocksoft
Golden Cobra - CCS
Grabbed by the Ghoulies! - FSF
Harvesting Moon, A - 8th Day
Hobble Hunter, The - Compass
Homocide Hotel - Wallsoft
Hummer House of Horror - Lasersound
Imagination Unlimited
Inheritance: Panic in Las Vegas - Infogrames (disk version)
Island Adventure - Apex (for Dragon 32)
Island of Artuan - Kuma
Island, The - Duckworth
Island of Xaan - Robico
Jade Stone, The - Marlin Games (no picture on cover)
John Sands Sega Adventures (Ninja)
Jolly Jack's Run Ashore - Harboursoft
Journey, The - Temptation
Key to Time, The - Lumpsoft
Krago Castle - Assassin
London Adventure - Fridaysoft
Lost Island - JRS Software (for ZX81)
Lost Kingdom of Zkul, The/West - Talent Computer Systems (2-pack)
Mad Martha II - Mikro-gen (rainbow background cover)
Malice in Wonderland - Lumpsoft
Mania - Intrigue (for TI-99/4A) - white cover
Middle Kingdom - Dragon Data
Mines of Saturn and Return to Earth - Mikro-Gen (ZX81 Blue Cover, Oric Green Cover, Vic-20 Purple Cover), Saturn Developments Ltd
Monsters & Magic - Prickly Pear (TRS-80)
Mordon's Quest (Enterprise)
Mountain Palace Adventure - Duckworth
Murder off Miami - CRL (disk version)
Mystery of the Lost Sheep, The - Central Computing
Mystery Island - Mountain Valley Software
Mystery Mansion - Sharp (for MZ700)
Nemesis - Alchemist (Sinclair QL beige/light blue cover)
Never Trust a Blond
North Sea Bullion Adventure - Kuma
Nuclearwar games - Severn Software
Odyssey, The - Duckworth
Operation Turtle - Pocket Money Software
Orc Slayer - Gamma Software
Pay Off - Bignose Software
Phineas Frogg - Mirrorsoft
Plague Planet - Alpine Software (Archimedes)
Psycho II: The Adventure - LA Software
Quest for the Holy Joystick - Delta4
Quest for the Poorly Snail - Futuresoft
Raven, The - 8th Day
Rescue - CRL (Oric version with alternate cover)
Return of the Holy Joystick, The - Delta4
Revenge of the Space Pirates - FSF
Rifts of Time - Pocket Money Software
Rise in Crime - Robico
Robin of Sherlock - CRL/Delta4
Rogue Comet - Walrus Computing
Run, Bronwynn, Run! - FSF
Runemagic Series Adventure One: The Secret River - Triffid Software Research
Sadim Castle - MP Software
Santa's Workshop 2 - Triant
Scoop - Sentient Software
Secret Valley - Newsoft
Security Shelter - Custom Cables
Shard of Inovar/Venom/Kobyashi Naru Plus 3 Adventures
Skelvullyn Twine - 8th Day
Space Adventure - Virgin
Staff of Zaranol, The - CCS
Sword of Vhor, The - Duckworth
Tevrog's Kingdom II and Quest for Power - Cable Software (Oric, manual only)
Time Search - Duckworth
Time Traveller - Audiogenic
Time Warp - English Software (Atari 400/800)
To Boldly Go - Blaby
Token of Ghall - Interceptor (disk version, small cassette case)
Tombs of Karnak - Sharp (MZ-700 with screenshot on cover)
Treasure - David Edgar
Usurper - Assassin Software
Velnor's Lair - Neptune Computing
Very Big Cave Adventure, The - CRL (disk version)
Volcanic Dungeon - Master Vision (large wallet case)
Warlord of Doom - Visions
White Barrows, The - Argus Press Software (graphic on cover)
Wizardry - The Edge (disk version)
Wrath of Olympus - Alpha Omega Software
Zenobi - most games
Zolan - Softek
Other Games
Adventures Through Time Vol. 1: The Scavenger Hunt - Aurum
Alien Drug Lords: The Chyropian Connection - Panther Games
Ambermoon - Thalion
Ancients 1: Death Watch - Epic Megagames
Beyond Shadowgate - TurboGrafx CD
Cave of the Mind - Load 'N' Go! (Apple)
Chaos in Andromeda - On-Line Entertainment
Codewriter: Thriller Series 2: Frankenstein's Legacy, Shipwrecked, The Son of Ali Baba
Codewriter: Time's Wrath
Codewriter: Trilogy of Time: Place of Safety, History's Twist, Treasures of the Pirate King
Crime City (GT Interactive)
*Crystals of Arborea - Silmarils
Daughter of Serpents - (UK version), The Scroll (UK version)
Deja Vu I & II - Mindscape
Dig, The (Novel only)
Disciples of Steel (2 distinct covers - dragon, warriors slipcase on stone wall box)
Dragonflight - Thalion (Limited Edition with photo, poster, badge, sticker)
Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists 'n' Everythin - EDOS
Fate: Gates of Dawn - Reline
*Greatest Hits I - Keypunch (Atari)
*Ishar 3: Seven Gates of Infinity - Readysoft
Kronolog: The Nazi Paradox - Merit Software
Legacy of the Ancients (ECP wallet version)
Legacy: Realm of Terror - Microprose (UK version)
Legend of Djel - Monkey Business
Lost in Time - Coktel Vision (Part 1)
Manhole, The - Cyan (pre-Cyan Prolog release, enhanced CD Activision)
Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle - Lucasfilm (Triangle Box)
Maupiti Island - Lankhor
Maya - Silmarils
*Mortville Manor - Lankhor (boxed slipcase version)
NO - Lankhor
Odyssey: The Legend of Nemesis (MacSoft)
Personal Nightmare - Horrorsoft (US version)
Prisoner of Ice - Infogrames (Sega Saturn)
Realm of the Warlock - Incognito
Rise of the Dragon - Kixx
Secret of Monkey Island 2 - Lucasfilm (US version codewheel only)
Sheer Agony - Logitron
Space Adventure - Load 'N' Go
Spaceship Warlock - Reactor (UK)
Techno Plus AmiRAM 1000 (with Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back!)
Universe - Core Design (regular, CD32)
Adventure #1-12 - Scott Adams Gold - (cassette version registration certificate)
Bard's Tale II - ECP (map)
Castles of Darkness - Logical Choice (disk only)
Colossal Adventure (Boxed, with advertisement on back, box only)
*Creepers - Silicon Valley Systems (disk only)
Dark Dungeon - Rainbow Software (manual only)
Dungeon of Death - Instant Software (outer box only)
Fighting Fantasy Gamebox - #13-16 - iron-on only
Indiana Jones in Revenge of the Ancients - Mindscape (box only)
Marooned - Rainbow Software (manual only)
Masquerade - Phoenix (contest form only)
Might and Magic II - New World Computing (Completion certificate)
OrbQuest - Alternate World Simulations (CP/M disk only)
*Prisoner, The - Edu-ware (yellow cover, disk only)
Sorcellerie II: Le Chevalier de Diamant (French Wizardry II, disks only)
Space Quest II - Sierra (manual (from 3-pack))
Tutmaniachiem's Tomb - Rainbow Software (manual only)
Ultima Savage Empire - Origin (special edition T-shirt only)
Wreck of the B.S.M. Pandora - Apple Special Delivery Software (disk, manual)