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Other Games

Neuromancer (Interplay) (C64) (UK Version)
Noctropolis (CD Classix) (IBM PC)
Noctropolis (CD-ROM Classics) (IBM PC)
Powermonger (IBM PC) (missing Box)Contains Hint Book
Realm of Impossibility
Realm of Impossibility (C64/Atari 400/800) (Disk Version)
Realm of Impossibility
Realm of Impossibility (Ariolasoft) (C64) (Cassette Version)
Realm of Impossibility
Realm of Impossibility (Ariolasoft) (Atari 400/800) (Disk Version)
Realm of Impossibility
Realm of Impossibility (ECP) (C64)
Scroll, The
Scroll, The (Vic Tokai) (IBM PC)
Sentinel Worlds I: Future Magic
Sentinel Worlds I: Future Magic (C64) (missing reference card)Contains Clue Book
Seven Cities of Gold
Seven Cities of Gold (C64)
Standing Stones
Standing Stones (Apple II)
Standing Stones
Standing Stones (Ariolasoft) (C64)
Starflight (IBM PC) (missing disks)Contains Clue Book
Starflight 2: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula
Starflight 2: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula (IBM PC) (missing box, map, reference card, plotter)Contains Clue Book
Swords of Twilight
Swords of Twilight (Amiga)Contains Clue Book
Swords of Twilight
Swords of Twilight (Amiga) (UK Version)
Swords of Twilight
Swords of Twilight (Clamshell) (ECP) (Amiga)
Ultimate Wizard
Ultimate Wizard (C64)

Critics Report, The

ea-criticsreportv1i1 PDF
Critics Report, The Volume 1 Issue 1
ea-criticsreportv1i2 PDF
Critics Report, The Volume 1 Issue 2
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