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Query: [publisher]Scholastic    7 Results

Miscellaneous Computer Games

Adventure Double Feature Volume II: Adventures in the Microzone and Northwoods Adventure (Scholastic) (C64)
Adventure Double Feature Volume II: Adventures in the Microzone and Northwoods Adventure
Mystery Double Feature Volume I: Haunted House and Mystery at Pinecrest Manor (Scholastic) (C64)
Mystery Double Feature Volume I: Haunted House and Mystery at Pinecrest Manor
Tales from History: The Shot Heard 'Round the World and Wagons West (Scholastic) (Apple II)
Tales from History: The Shot Heard 'Round the World and Wagons West
Tales of Adventure: Adventures in the Microzone and Northwoods Adventure (Scholastic) (IBM PC)
Tales of Adventure: Adventures in the Microzone and Northwoods Adventure
Tales of Fantasy: The Dark Tower and The Frog and the Fables (Scholastic) (Apple II) (missing manual)
Tales of Fantasy: The Dark Tower and The Frog and the Fables
Tales of Mystery: Haunted House and Mystery at Pinecrest Manor (Clamshell) (Scholastic) (C64) (missing reference card)
Tales of Mystery: Haunted House and Mystery at Pinecrest ManorRecently changed/added

Other Gamebook Series

Wizards of Wonder: A Magic Micro Adventure (Scholastic)PDF
Wizards of Wonder: A Magic Micro Adventure
7 records returned
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