Our most recent acquisitions include a number of rare titles from Japan, including Hi-Res Adventures Ulysses and the Golden Fleece, and Dark Crystal. Also a bunch of River Software adventures. Enjoy!
As another year draws to a close, we have another update. Highlights include some early TI-99/4A Scott Adams' adventures, as well as the early Classic Adventure, one of the first New Zork Times issues, and a new artwork from David McMacken inspired by Legacy of the Ancients. Check the Recent Acquisitions link to see these and more!
It is sad news for Adventure Gamers everywhere. Last month, Gerald Moore aka Shay Addams passed away at the age of 76 in a house fire. Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s under the pen name Shay Addams, he single handedly managed the QuestBusters Newsletter for a dozen or so years, and authored countless Quest for Clues anthologies, offering game hints to the masses at incomparably low prices when the only alternative until then was to purchase an expensive hint book for each individual game. His works were read and loved by thousands of armchair Adventurers, and he will be sorely missed. Here's one final tip of the QB helm to ya Shay!
Today we have another small update, and much more importantly an announcement. The time has come to pass on some of the items from the museum, to help raise funds for other endeavors. So everything in the museum is officially available for sale.
Before anyone panics, the web site will still continue to exist as before and with all the items in it, just the physical items will be for sale. And for the moment we are only interested in selling off the 'high-value' items. Any item which is no longer in the physical collection will be indicated by a Item Not Available in the bar along the top of the item's page.
If you see any items that you'd like to make a generous offer on, please contact us and let us know. There are no fixed prices but we'd expect to get the going rate for the item. Many games in the museum are the only examples available for purchase in the wild, so now's your chance to snap up those rares and fill the holes in your collection!
This update includes a slew of Japanese Ultima Online versions including a very cute cartoony one. Be sure to check them out, now in their own subsection of the Origin room in the museum. A rare Japanese release of Cranston Manor has been added as well.