Museum of Computer Adventure Game History
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Kingdom of Hamil (BBC Model B) (Contains Hint Book)
Kingdom of Hamil
Kingdom of Hamil (BBC Model B) (Disk Version) (missing Hint Sheet)
Kingdom of Hamil
Quondam (BBC Model B) (Contains Hint Book)
Kingdom of Hamil (Topologika) (Amstrad PCW) (Contains Hint Sheet)
Kingdom of Hamil
How to play ADVENTURE Games (Topologika)PDF
How to play ADVENTURE Games


Sci Fi Powerhits (Prophecy; Tongue of the Fatman; DeathTrack; Circuit's Edge; Mines of Titan) (IBM PC)
Sci Fi Powerhits (Prophecy; Tongue of the Fatman; DeathTrack; Circuit's Edge; Mines of Titan)

Colecovision Adam Games

2010: The Text Adventure Game (Colecovision ADAM)
2010: The Text Adventure Game
Dragon's Lair Super Game Pack (Colecovision ADAM) (tape Version) (missing box)
Dragon's Lair Super Game Pack
Dragon's Lair Super Game Pack (Colecovision ADAM) (disk Version)
Dragon's Lair Super Game Pack
Demons & Dragons (Fast Ed's Software) (Colecovision ADAM)
Demons & Dragons
Demons & Dragons II (Fast Ed's Software) (Colecovision ADAM)
Demons & Dragons II
Abominable Snowman, The (Graftex Software) (Colecovision ADAM)
Abominable Snowman, The
Fantasy Gamer (Martin Consulting) (Colecovision ADAM)
Fantasy Gamer
Michigana Jones and the House of Misteree (Reedy Software) (Colecovision ADAM)
Michigana Jones and the House of Misteree
Adventure Pack 1 (Moon Base Alpha/Jack and the Beanstalk/Computer Adventure) (Victory Software) (Colecovision ADAM) (missing tape)
Adventure Pack 1 (Moon Base Alpha/Jack and the Beanstalk/Computer Adventure)
Adventure Pack 2 (African Escape/Hospital Adventure/Bomb Threat) (Victory Software) (Colecovision ADAM) (missing tape)
Adventure Pack 2 (African Escape/Hospital Adventure/Bomb Threat)

The Adventure & Strategy Club

Adventurers Club Ltd., The, Apr. 1986-Sep. 1987 (#13-24) Index (Volume #2)PDF
Adventurers Club Ltd., The, Apr. 1986-Sep. 1987 (#13-24) Index (Volume #2)
Adventurers Club Ltd., The, Apr.-May 1988 (#31-32)PDF
Adventurers Club Ltd., The, Apr.-May 1988 (#31-32)
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Storage Binder Volume 5
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Storage Binder Volume 5
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, May 1993 (#21)PDF
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, May 1993 (#21)
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Jul. 1993 (#22)PDF
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Jul. 1993 (#22)
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Sep. 1993 (#23)PDF
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Sep. 1993 (#23)
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Nov. 1993 (#24)PDF
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Nov. 1993 (#24)
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Jan. 1994 (#25)PDF
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Jan. 1994 (#25)
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Mar. 1994 (#26)PDF
Adventure & Strategy Club, The, Mar. 1994 (#26)
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