Museum News


This little area will be dedicated to reporting recent updates to the museum and various other news of interest to visitors. Welcome to the museum, we hope you enjoy your visit!

As you may have noticed, over the past year we have been adding PDFs of various game manuals, clue books, and so on. The contents are completely text-searchable using the Advanced Search page. The goal is to eventually get every manual and multi-page document (excluding books and magazines) scanned and preserved, as good-quality 300dpi scans. Obviously we are focusing on the more interesting and popular items first. With disk these days so cheap, and also much better bandwidth available than ever before, this is finally a possiblity. To date over 800 PDFs have been made covering over 700 games and items. This includes almost all items from: Acornsoft, Avalon Hill, Adventure International, early Epyx titles, the entire Infocom line, the Ultima series, the complete Questbusters Journal, Radio Shack, most Sierra titles, the Wizardry series, Telarium, SSI including catalogs, the near-complete New Zork Times/Status Line newsletter, plus dozens of other games. We will post updates here as other significant chunks of titles are added.

That said, there is no real particular priority, so if you are just dying to see your favorite item scanned, feel free to Contact Us and let us know, and we'll put the item in the queue. Lastly, if you'd like to help support the museum, we welcome donations of any items on the Wanted list - we will even pay for them, so be sure to check it out and Contact Us if you have anything to offer. Alternatively, buy something from the Shop and help fund future museum purchases!

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