By Howard Feldman (
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since Feb. 27, 1996
Download The
Search for Freedom v1.3 Now
See end of document for more locations to download from...
The Search for Freedom combines the best features of all my favorite RPG games, including Pool of Radiance style combat, Bard's tale type puzzles and spell system, and plenty of action. Complete Soundblaster sound effects and music are included, as well as 22 dungeon levels, 4 towns and 2 worlds to explore, and over 100 monsters each with their own special abilities will keep you on your toes. Interact with dozens of NPCs as well.
Screenshots from the game
Discover treasures beyond your wildest dreams as you explore the living realm as well as Aegea, the realm of the dead
Encounter strange and fascinating creatures in your journeys
lies behind this mysterious Portal?
Meet people of all shapes and sizes, living and dead!
Enter combat with fierce monsters, where you'll see arrows fly, fireballs explode, and dragon's breathe - many monsters have special unique abilities such as invisibility, walking through walls, and gazes of stone - master over 50 spells as well
Enjoy colorful first-person 3-D perspective views as you explore towns and dungeons
Your travels will take you to the mysterious realm of Aegea, where the sea is of blood, and the stench of death fills the air
Defeat your nemesis, Kamazol, or the living world will be lost!
Be wary, for
danger lurks around every bend!
The Search for Freedom was programmed entirely in Borland Turbo Pascal 7.0, and the current version, 1.3, released Jan. 2004, is available as Shareware. Registration is $10.00 (or more, if you like) with details within the game, or email me for details.
A hint book is also available, free to registered users, else $10.00, also exclusively from myself.
You may now buy the game complete on CD! See news below for details. Following is a snapshot of an actual game disc like you will receive:
So I'm sure by now you're extremely anxious to download and play The Search for Freedom... well, here it is, direct from the source. The game may be found on numerous FTP sites, however, this page will always contain the most recent version available. Currently this is v1.3, and chances are there won't be any more bug fixes. If so though, check here for them.
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Download The
Search for Freedom v1.3 Now
View the file Description (774 bytes)
Read the Advertisement for the game (1,610 bytes)
Download Starter Dungeon "Patch" DUNG-FIX.ZIP (585 bytes)